Stephanie On Set

Behind the Scenes of Broken Exchange Uncoded

Behind the Scenes of Broken Exchange Uncoded

Behind the Scenes of Broken Exchange Uncoded

Behind the Scenes of "B the One/Know the Risks" PSA w/ director Kex Rhodes.

Behind the Scenes of "Broken Exchange Uncoded" with actors Jacqueline O'Day and Demetreus Wills.

Behind the Scenes of "Broken Exchange Uncoded" with Assistant Director Kimia Workman

Behind the Scenes of "House of Cards" with fellow Secret Service detail and veteran actor Michael Kelly.

Behind the Scenes of "Jack Ryan" season 2 with veteran actor Michael O'Neill.

Behind the Scenes with Overbrook Entertainment President and Charm City Kings Producer Caleeb Pinkett

Behind the Scenes of "Strengthening Families"

Behind the Scenes of "Patriot Day"

Behind the Scenes of commercial for "Used Car Factory" in Mechanicsville, MD